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1 Click Fixer PLUS is the most advanced registry cleaner utility that allows basic cleaning of registry in an easy and reliable way. It scans your entire registry for any invalid or obsolete entries and provides a list of the registry errors found.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Feb, 13 2007
System Path Commander is a tool which makes it easy to temporarily enable and disable directories in the system path, rearrange their order, convert paths to short form to reduce space, identify invalid paths, and add new directories.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Sep, 27 2005
Copy/Paste unavailable?Aqua Deskperience extracts any text visible on the screen, in any application.Power features: screen capture, password recovery, color picker,smart link recognition.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 10 2005
Upgrade Windows Explorer, Total Commander and Dialog boxes. Enable you to use the right-click menu to access the entire file system. Change the current folder, open folder in external file manager(new), open file, copy and move operations.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 07 2004
Flasher Suite - The best-selling suite for a professional developer! Flasher Suite combines two award-winning Flash design tools on the market: best-known Flash Optimizer and the most user-friendly and powerful Flash Decompiler.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 18 2003
SafeData� Technology Suite 1.0 includes SafeFile�, SafeClean�, and SafeShred�.
Date: Feb, 25 2002
amount: 6 ; displaying: 1 - 6
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