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Is your PC becoming increasingly slow and unstable? MemOptimizer™ monitors your system in the background and frees resources when these are required. The result is that your programs will run faster and be more stable than ever before!
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Feb, 23 2007
Print and visualize your folders. Find out where your HD space went! You can filter to include only the files you want and customize both display and printed output to your taste. Lists can include MP3 and ZIP information.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Feb, 21 2007
A 32-bit console-mode file manager for Win95/98/ME/NT,2000,XP & Vista. The program is designed to look and function in a manner similar to the XTreeGold program, offering a wide range of disk & file management features in a familiar form.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jul, 04 2006
With BCArchive software you may encrypt and compress a group of files/folders
to an encrypted archive (i.e. single file). You may store all you confidential files in such archive and/or e-mail it to your friend.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jul, 01 2005
SyncUp is a file/folder synchronization tool that facilitates data synchronization within two folders of the same hard drive/ another drive,from one PC to another using cables or across the network.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jun, 23 2005
Copy/Paste unavailable?Aqua Deskperience extracts any text visible on the screen, in any application.Power features: screen capture, password recovery, color picker,smart link recognition.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 10 2005
Cipherlok is a data security product that provides easy to use yet highly secure encryption of files on your PC or notebook. Secure file deletion and automatic encryption features. Uses Blowfish algorithm and either passwords or our USB Tokens.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 19 2005
IsSearch is the unique search utility that takes advantage of data indexing technology available in the latest versions of Windows to enable end-user to search for required information within various document types real FAST! Download FREE trial now!
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Sep, 24 2004
TC: shell to displays the Type and Creator codes of Macintosh files using Windows NT Explorer
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 17 2004
Upgrade Windows Explorer, Total Commander and Dialog boxes. Enable you to use the right-click menu to access the entire file system. Change the current folder, open folder in external file manager(new), open file, copy and move operations.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 07 2004
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