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    E-mail Verifier

    E-mail Verifier is an advanced E-mail address verifier software that is used to validate email in mailing lists. our E-mail Verifier can verify email, check and eliminate inexistant or invalid addresses using an advanced email verification technique.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Jun, 01 2007

    Vista NetMail

    Vista NetMail can store information on many e-mail accounts. If you have several external mailboxes at different ISPs you will not need to enter a new password and adjust the settings every time.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 28 2007


    PSYBMAIL - Silently delete spam and be notified when mail arrives .You can create your own 'Spam List' or choose 'De-Spam' in the popup screen when mail arrives. Emails meeting your spam criteria are automatically deleted from your mail server

    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Mar, 23 2007
    amount: 3 ; displaying: 1 - 3
    pages: 1
