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    sheet password

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    Change Forgotten Password Lite

    Recover and change forgotten passwords in multiple applications. Did you upgrade your computer and lose your passwords? Recover forgotten passwords from virtually any product and see them in plain text with Change Forgotten Passwords!
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Feb, 09 2007

    Excel Password Recovery Master

    Excel Password Recovery Master is used to get instant access to password-protected documents created in MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003. The program allows you to reset open passwords and recover write, workbook, shared workbook and worksheet passwords
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Mar, 12 2006

    ActMon PWL Password Finder (WASP)

    WASP displays all passwords of the currently logged in user that are stored in the Microsoft PWL file password database. It allows the convenient management of this file to improve the security / privacy of your PC.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Dec, 14 2004
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