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The Beginners American History eBook.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 02 2007
2D / 3D-Funktionsplotter, mit dessen Hilfe Sie mit wenigen Handgriffen eine Vielzahl mathematischer Funktionen und Kurven visualisieren können und der mit komplexen Zahlen umgehen kann. Es können auch Diagramme aus einer Datentabelle erstellt werden.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 12 2007
‘Well,’ said Allie, ‘I think we were naughty to speak as we did,
and we caused mamma to grieve. She says God knows what is best,
and that we should be satisfied to leave everything in His hands.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Feb, 21 2007
Robot4 (tm) is a Robotic Arm Movement program where the arm is moved from given position to desired position
(an Inverse Problem). The program finds the angles necessary for the desired position.
A Fortran Calculus demo application.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Dec, 07 2006
Handheld version of the popular Stackz flashcard organizer. It brings the complete Stackz proficiency visualization system using colors to the Palm OS platform, which is your ideal companion for frequent but short learning units on the road!
Date: Mar, 07 2006
amount: 5 ; displaying: 1 - 5
pages: 1