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Convert PDF files to RTF, HTML and Text format with less conversion loss. Images and tables in PDF files will be extracted and saved. The conversion is very fast, usually in a split second. Batch conversion is available.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 09 2006
This is an ideal product if you had for example a PDF statement that needed splitting up on account number, PDF Content Split would do this with ease
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Oct, 16 2006
CoolPDF is a fast, robust and affordable way to create professional quality PDF documents for both novice and pro. CoolPDF works as a printer driver on all operating systems, making PDF files of anything that can normally be printed, convert to PDF.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Sep, 19 2006
Simple, clean and fast convertion from .doc and .rtf to HTML.
Convert multiple documents at once!
Free trial.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 16 2006
Gnostice PDFWiz is a powerful Windows� application to manage and organize PDF documents. PDFWiz supports filling and reading of PDF forms, compressing, securing, appending and merging of multiple PDF documents, setting bookmarks, and much more...
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Sep, 02 2005
Change PDF document properties, including author, title, subject, keywords, creator, and producer information. You may even add or remove hidden information.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 18 2004
Convert Word files into PDF files with one mouse click! The program read Word files directs and writes PDF file directly. So you do not need Word to be installed and you do not need Acrobat Reader to be installed.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jan, 24 2004
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jan, 26 2003
amount: 8 ; displaying: 1 - 8
pages: 1