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    RSScrawler Desktop RSS Newsticker

    RSScrawler displays your favorite RSS news feeds as a flicker-free ticker bar on your Windows Desktop. RSScrawler keeps you always informed in the same way as those ticker bars known from various TV stations. Never miss any breaking news!
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Jun, 07 2007

    mirabyte Feed Writer RSS Editor

    mirabyte Feed Writer is a professional RSS editor capable of creating and editing RSS feeds. It supports most RSS formats such as RSS 0.91, RSS 0.92, RSS 2.0 and even Podcasts. Additional features: UTF-8 support and integrated (S)FTP client.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Feb, 14 2007
    amount: 2 ; displaying: 1 - 2
    pages: 1
