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Ping Wizard lets you conduct tests on the speed of your network. Ping Wizard sends a special packet to a server, and times how long it takes to get a reply. This time is the total latency of the packets that you send when communicating with servers.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jul, 01 2005
NNTP Wizard is an ActiveX control that gives a programmer the power to harness all that the Network News Transfer Protocol has to offer. With every standard command and almost all of the extended commands implemented in an easy to use design.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jul, 01 2005
ActiveX OCX to encrypt files with a very fast implementation of AES and RC4
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jan, 06 2005
CalendarioMes ( ctlMesOliware.ocx ) es un control Active X dise�ado y probado en el entorno de programacion de Visual Basic 6. Es muy parecido al control MonthView de Microsoft, pero dispone de mas propiedades de dise�o.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 22 2004
Deliver a complete, feature rich form designer application with unbelievably small amount of code with this control. Let application user reconfigure the layout of controls on your forms at runtime.
Store/restore layout in binary or XML formats.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 14 2004
The SCML 3D FRAME OCX is an OCX control allowing the programmers to display nice frames on their Visual Basic forms without resorting to use a drawing software.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 27 2003
Add smart form resizing without code. Provides proportional resize and advanced intelligent resize and positionning. Individually adjust the size, position and font of each control on your form. Customizable with events, methods and properties.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 24 2003
Cramped for space on your forms? You don't have use multiple forms or tabs,
use VLViewPort, get scrollable viewport with auto scrolling ability. A
classic example of our minimal plumbing control philosophy.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jul, 11 2002
SCML ZIP & SPLIT OCX is an OCX control that allows Visual Basic
programmers to zip and split files.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jun, 03 2002
Crypt ocx/ActiveX for VB, Delphi, C++ for strings
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Sep, 01 2001
amount: 21 ; displaying: 11 - 20