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Serial Port Monitoring Control (SPMC) - RS232 Data Acquisition and Com Port Control Component Library, Modem Access Component. Connection Sniffer and Port Test Software Library.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 20 2006
CalendarioMes ( ctlMesOliware.ocx ) es un control Active X dise�ado y probado en el entorno de programacion de Visual Basic 6. Es muy parecido al control MonthView de Microsoft, pero dispone de mas propiedades de dise�o.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 22 2004
Add smart form resizing without code. Provides proportional resize and advanced intelligent resize and positionning. Individually adjust the size, position and font of each control on your form. Customizable with events, methods and properties.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 24 2003
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