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    A Little Reading Before You Advertise.

    savie a free postscript file simply packed with reading links on how to advertise. 283 helpfull links you can try that take you to reading you can view before you start to advertise so that you are better prepared.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: May, 04 2007


    Quickly and easily design or analyze stormwater detention ponds with this useful tool. Any number of time increments can be input depending on user's hardware/system memory.

    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Oct, 05 2004


    Tool integrated to Microsoft Outlook email toolbar allows you to reply or forward e-mail with a predefined template. Create a new template as a new e-mail or use your existing e-mail as a template. Organize it to subfolder structure for easy access.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Jun, 13 2004
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