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    ems database

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    EMS SQL Query 2007 for DB2

    EMS SQL Query for DB2 is a utility that lets you quickly and simply build SQL queries to IBM DB2 databases. Visual building as well as direct editing of a query text is available.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Jun, 16 2007

    EMS SQL Manager 2007 for Oracle

    Simplify and automate your database development process, design, explore and maintain existing databases, build compound SQL query statements, manage database user rights and manipulate data in different ways.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 15 2007

    MySQL Turbo Manager Enterprise

    MySQL Turbo Manager is a powerful software solution for MySQL Database administration and development. With our very intuitive interfase you will save time and money.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Dec, 10 2006

    EMS SQL Manager 2005 Lite for InterBase/Firebird

    EMS SQL Manager Lite for InterBase/FireBird is an excellent freeware tool for InterBase and FireBird administration. It has minimal required set of instruments for those users who are new to InterBase server and needs only its basic functionality.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Nov, 14 2006
    amount: 4 ; displaying: 1 - 4
    pages: 1
