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Improve the way you manage your everyday tasks.
This application will make it easy and fun for you to keep track of your tasks and goals by going much further than the usual To-Do lists go.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 15 2007
VORG© Team the advanced information manager designed for teams provides an integrated solution for managing and organizing schedules, tasks, notes, contacts, documents and other information to maximize productivity and collaboration.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 07 2007
VORG© Express the personal information manager designed for individual users provides an integrated solution for managing and organizing calendars, tasks, schedules, notes, contacts, documents of any type and other information.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 07 2007
This personal task outliner will help you to organize your goals, projects and tasks into a tree. The to-do list with actions that require immediate attention will be generated. It has Pocket PC version and can be synced with Outlook and MindManager
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 01 2007
My Notes Keeper is a powerful and easy-to-use Personal Information Management software and Word Processor with Tabbed and Tree structure.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Feb, 14 2007
Write notes, create slideshows and screensavers, set reminders, listen to music, read the news, create shortcuts, and much more! Notables makes everyday tasks and activities faster, simpler, and easier for you in a single, simple experience.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Dec, 10 2006
PIM XP allows you to plan your business and personal time, maintain your address book, make notes, schedule tasks, etc. However, PIM XP is not just a personal information manager. With PIM XP, you can keep your own blog filling it with the ideas.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 15 2006
SmartAssistant is an easy-to-use PIM software enables you to maintain a secure personal information, using a stylish interface and full support for plan, agent, tasks/todo list, contacts list, private passwords, memos, holidays.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Aug, 24 2006
Managing technical support may require that you type standard answers over and over again. Let Type Pilot handle this routine for you. Just type in a keyword of your choice, and the software will replace it with the required phrase or a paragraph.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 04 2006
Win a FREE IPOD! Perhaps the world's most powerful contact management system. With iPod integration, automatic contact verification, instant messenger, Outlook integration, mail merge and MS Word support, email, and much more!
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Oct, 26 2005
amount: 13 ; displaying: 1 - 10