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ExcelPipe is used by IT personnel to change hyperlinks when a server gets renamed, by SMEs and large organizations when they change their contact details/name/etc, by translators to apply massive search/replace lists - the list of uses is endless.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 09 2007
With this flexible billing software & invoice software, you can create invoice, email invoice, extract an invoice as a file, track inventory, and manage customer accounts/bill customers. The Pro edition of the software has built in network support.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jan, 18 2007
Excel addin
providing the Researcher, Analyst or IS Auditor a variety of analyses such as testing conformity with Benford's Law , outliers, statistics, and tools for both audit, analysis and fraud
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Oct, 22 2006
Shift Scheduler is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that creates employee schedules, and tracks the number of hours that have been scheduled.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jul, 26 2006
Define your staff roster schedules and calculate your wage costs with ease. A base wage and up to six additional wage loadings are definable while Department, Area and staff can be configured to suit almost any business strucure and size.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 29 2002
Import your monthly MYOB Profit and Loss data to a flexible and easy to read layout with the capacity to automate budget creation. It enhances budget development, and provides significant time saving in performance reviews and budget creation.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jan, 30 2002
amount: 6 ; displaying: 1 - 6
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