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amount: 23 ; displaying: 21 - 23
1. Calculates volumes of two solutions of different concentrations needed to make a final volume of a mixture of the 2 solutions.
2. This is a very tiny program that can come in handy when you want to cross check your math or if pressed by time.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Aug, 04 2004
Numero is a calculator with some nice features. It has a text box that displays all of expressions and answers that have been calculated, and there is eye candy, such as fading in/out and customizable colors.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jul, 09 2004
CPU is a Cost Per Unit calculator to assist in deciding what product and packet size is the best value for money. The window stays on top and there are two independent calculations shown to make comparing prices easier. It is written in Assembly.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jul, 04 2004
amount: 23 ; displaying: 21 - 23