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Aimersoft iPod copy manager is totally free and easy to use iPod backup & recovery software. With the free iPod copy manager, you can easily copy back your songs, videos and DVD movies from iPod to computer when you lost your iTunes library.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 07 2007
Samples your guitar through your computers soundcard, determines what notes you are playing, and teaches you 2952 scale, mode, and key combinations while you play. You will never have to read music, or understand music theory to learn and use scales
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 17 2007
3D roasted turkey swing-dances to a boogie-woogie beat. Turkey gets up off the table, drops to the floor, and swing-dances as 3D animated vegetables and fruits float around a formal dining scene. The back-window view shows snow gently falling on a wooded landscape. The music is 1930s swing-style in MP3 format.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 15 2007
Transcribe! offers many features to help transcribing music from recordings, including the ability to slow down the music without changing its pitch, and to analyse chords and show you what notes are present.
Date: Apr, 15 2007
Free Internet TV Player is a program that allows you to watch 1000+ online TV channels, 200+ live webcams and listen to 1000+ online radio stations from around the world.No any additional equipments required.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 12 2007
MiX Splitter is a very simple application, oriented at the Deejay who whish to split his recorded WAV mix into several WAV tracks.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 04 2007
The Test Tone Generator (TTG) turns the PC into a function generator for testing or demonstration, sound tuning, education, for sound effects and many other purposes.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Apr, 01 2007
iClone 2 transforms any desktop into a complete virtual movie studio. Create 3D characters, scenes, and special effects for films inside a total 3D real-time environment.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 21 2007
MRT è un semplice programma per ricevere notiziari radio in italiano, in diretta e registrati, senza dovere accedere via browser al sito di ogni singola stazione.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Mar, 17 2007
amount: 161 ; displaying: 11 - 20