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Driver Magician Lite identifies all the hardware in the system, extracts their associated drivers from the hard disk and backs them up to a location of your choice.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jan, 30 2007
Windows Vista compatible version of Paragon Drive Backup is an easy-to-use software for complete hard disk backup, disk imaging, cloning. The up-to-date hard disk backup image created with it is the best insurance you may have in any disaster case.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows
Date: Jan, 12 2007
Split your files.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Dec, 26 2006
Arctor is an easy-to-use, powerful hard disk backup solution with a innovative concept, allowing you to use today's cheapest and fastest backup media - hard disks. Take advantage of the fastest, cheapest media today!
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Dec, 13 2006
corrupted multimedia memory cards data files recovery software restore formatted smart media corrupted sD xD pictures 3gp audio video clips digital card images photos mobile phone retrieve secure extreme inaccessible compact flash music file folders
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Dec, 09 2006
SafeGuard® is an advanced unattended safety management system for computer data. It backs up network folders and files and stores them selectively on one or more PCs.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Dec, 01 2006
Retrieval utility retrieves lost iPod audio video clips pictures photographs music file folder software restore accidentally deleted digital snap image recover virus infected mp3 mp4 m4a m4b records extract deleted iTunes supported apple iPod series.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 11 2006
Instant Replicator is a real-time folder synchronization tool that can automatically keep two or more folders synchronized around the clock.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Oct, 20 2006
File Sync is a robust file sync solution that automates the synchronization of data between Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003 servers without agents or scripts.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Sep, 13 2006
Backup to DVD, CD-R/RW, FTP, USB, Flash or LAN with Zip64 on-the-fly compression, strong 128-bit encryption and a flexible backup scheduler under Windows 9x/ME/NT 4.x/2000/XP with an easy to use yet powerful backup program.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Aug, 25 2006
amount: 37 ; displaying: 11 - 20