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Program that creates animated timelines quick and easy. Add Events. Add Timeframes, Choose Style, Present! It's that easy to capture the attention of your audience with an animated timeline.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 29 2006
QUIZ to train questionnaires or vocabularies. You can compose your own question files or vocabs.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 23 2006
QuizPro to train questionnaires or vocabularies. You can compose your own question files or vocabs. The questioning may be analysed statistically.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 23 2006
Rt-Plot is a tool to generate Cartesian X/Y-plots from scientific data. You can enter and calculate tabular data. View the changing graphs, including linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differentiation and integration, during entering.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 06 2006
The quickest and most efficient software tool available to create Javascript quizzes. The quizzes that you create can be uploaded to a web site, or attached to an email message or used locally from your own hard drive.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Oct, 26 2006
Right answer only, and know/don't know multiple-choice scoring on the same test. Train students to report what they know using higher levels of thinking needed on standardized tests. Answer sheets are checked for independent marking (cheating).
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Oct, 20 2006
This is guitar chord help system. 598 chord tabs, 37 chord types, 1122 chord letter-and-numeric names (for example Am) in this demo version. It is useful for beginners and advanced guitarist. Author is professional guitarist (since 1980).
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Oct, 11 2006
De leuke manier om te leren typen. De mogelijkheden van het programma zijn bijvoorbeeld netwerk ondersteuning, veel feedback opties en het automatisch afwegen van lessen om zo het leren het meest efficiënt te maken. Gratis demo verkrijgbaar.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows
Date: Oct, 03 2006
Smooth Operators is a complete solution for learning, practicing, and testing the order of operations. An interactive lesson teaches concepts. Practice by clicking operands, or test by typing in answers. Prepare students for algebra and higher math.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Sep, 30 2006
MIC forces premeditation when carrying out calculations by asking for which operators to display, mobiles do the same by having only one operator key or menu from which the operator is chosen.
MIC offers different levels of precision.
Date: Aug, 26 2006
amount: 167 ; displaying: 51 - 60