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Klick-N-View Reminders is a simple, flexible tool you can use at home or in the office to remind yourself of reoccurring and one-time events. Additional features include a printable To Do list and desktop Sticky Notes with alarm.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Feb, 19 2006
DateTray is designed to show todays date and calendar in your system tray.
By clicking on the date in the system tray it will display a calendar on your screen and allow you to search forwards and backwards to display any date you require.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Feb, 07 2006
The MakeNotes program is intended for convenient notes management on your PC. Convenient notes list representation - inplace-editing, categories and more - it is easier to look, than to describe.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Nov, 25 2005
Parsnips enables you to drag and drop text from various locations -- including Web pages, files, e-mails and instant messaging sessions -- to the application. Later, you can use Parsnips' Google-like search engine to find desired items.
Platform(s): Linux, Windows
Date: Jun, 23 2005
Info tree PIM (personal info manager) and personal organizer for desktop and USB Flash Drive. It organize and password-protect sensitive information (usernames, passwords, contacts, text notes, etc). Provides access to the dialer, browser and e-mail.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 11 2005
Mac OS X personal information manager.
Date: May, 01 2005
The Claymore Card Filer allows you to create a list of individuals and their contact information and sort them by resource and class. Each contact has a series of custom fields that can be used to track various useful bits of information.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Aug, 15 2004
Create skinnable Sticky Notes on windows desktop. Set alarms to each note, arrange notes inside memoboards to avoid desktop clutter. Send notes over network or as email. Stick notes to documents and websites. Skins are downloadable.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 21 2004
<b>Alarm Notes!</b> Reminders without the clutter! Easily hide all notes at once, or roll up to a single line. Set an alarm for each note for ontime alerts, or repeat them daily, by day of the week, or even by day of the month! Very easy to use!
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jun, 11 2002
amount: 19 ; displaying: 11 - 19