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    Launchers & Task Managers

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    amount: 152 ; displaying: 151 - 152
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    Execute everything, from programs, to text files, to multimedia, in fact everything that has a registered extension, directly from your desktop. It will open a custom windows Dialog, from where you can chose the file to run, and then closes itself.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Jul, 07 2002

    Cresotech Easystart

    Powerful and compact skinnable tool, CRESOTECH EASYSTART, is really an easy way to manage, locate, start and monitor any program on your computer with indication of the general time of its operation, how often you accessed it, and other details.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Jul, 06 2001
    amount: 152 ; displaying: 151 - 152
    pages: << 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 14 15 16
