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    amount: 94 ; displaying: 31 - 40
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    Five Essential Essays (pdf)

    The true conceptions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Gosvamis and whom began this Krsna Consciousness preaching mission. Today this Pure Truth is available in every country in the world.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 08 2006

    Happiness in a Fools Paradise (pdf)

    The futility of material enjoyment, everyone wants to be happy, but generally we can find only a little happiness and affection in this world.. Are we really this body, or the soul within the body.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 08 2006

    Going Beyond Vaikuntha (pdf)

    Gopa Kumar is approached by Narada Rsi, whom becomes his siksa guru or instructing spiritual master and enlightens him with the truth necessary to complete his spiritual journey and thereby attain the fulfilment of his long cherished desire.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 08 2006

    Sri Isopanisad (Pdf)

    The most popular book of the ancient World. Five thousand years ago this book was studied all over the world. Concealed for centuries in the Sanskrit language of India, Sri Isopanisad, the ancient spiritual lawbook of mankind.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 07 2006

    Perfect Questions Perfect Answers (Pdf)

    A search for meaning carries a young American Peace Corps worker halfway around the world, to an ancient city in the midst of West Bengal. There, in a small bamboo house in the holy land of Mayapur.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 07 2006

    Teachings of Lord Caitanya (Pdf)

    Throughout the ages, many avataras, divinely inspired teachers and incarnations of God have appeared in the world, but none has ever distributed spiritual love as freely as the Golden Avatara, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 07 2006

    Nectar of Instruction (Pdf)

    Across five centuries and half the globe comes this compact guidebook of essential spiritual teachings. How to choose a guru, how to practice yoga, even where to live, you will find it all in this invaluable work.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 07 2006

    My Siksa guru and Priya bandhu (pdf)

    You will receive enlivenment by hearing inspirational memories from Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja about our maha bhagavata guru, or pure Vaisnava devotee, Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. From one of his most intimate admirers.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 06 2006

    Bhakti-tattva-viveka (pdf)

    By understanding the true nature of suddha bhakti, pure bhakti, one can relish the ultimate goal of all scriptures, the pure nectar of krsna prema as exhibited and preached by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 06 2006

    Confidential Secrets of Bhajan (pdf)

    Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura used to do bhajana, because his eyes were not like ours. Our eyes can only see the material world, but Srila Prabhupadas eyes were transcendental, and he could see the unmanifest, spiritual world as well.
    Platform(s): Windows
    Date: Apr, 06 2006
    amount: 94 ; displaying: 31 - 40
    pages: << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >>
